
Design of XYZ Village Poor Household Information System

1Ucu Nugraha, 2Hari Supriadi

The manual system for managing community data collection that is currently running is felt to be no longer adequate for handling workloads

especially household data collection poor. This situation demands immediate use of information systems based on computer technology that aims to better organize data so that the information obtained is more accurate. the existence of this system will also facilitate village officials in compiling reports and graphs on the development of community data in their environment. The method used in making the system information on the collection of poor households is an observation method

an interview method. Whereas in the design of information systems conceptually is system analysis

and system design.


The Preliminary Study of Organizational Culture, Organizational Capabilities and Communication to Improve Human Resources Development Performances in Saudi Arabia: Strategic Fit with Higher Educations as Moderating Variable

Ali Hassan Al Nasser and Juraifa Jais

Higher Education

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Strategic Organizational Culture Strategic Fit

Organizational Capabilities

Organizational Communication

and Human Resources Development Performance (HRD Performances).


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