Terrorist Organizations (Spread, causes and legal measures to combat)


  • Dr. Ahmed Mosselhi College of Law-Abu Dhabi University Author


In the subject of this research paper, I shed light on the terrorist organizations and the reasons for their spread in addition to the forms of the terrorist crimes as their approaches and means of terrorist operations are numerous. The importance of the application of technology to facilitate terrorist acts and financial support provided for them, whether with money, weapons, or logistic support as well as ways to confront terrorism, were also discussed.

I have also discussed the legal measures adopted for combating the terrorist crimes from the international aspect, from the substantive aspect and procedural aspect. Regarding the initial investigation, we noticed that The Emirati legislator went beyond the general rule by increasing the period of pretrial imprisonment and conferring the public prosecutor the authority to check the banking accounts in order to confront the danger of the terrorist crimes. 


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(1) Surah Al-Baqarah (Verse 18)

(2) Dr. Moataz Mahi Abdul Hamid – Terrorism and the renewal of security thought – Dar Zahran Publishing – Jordan –

2014 – p.16.

(3) Dr. Mohammed Awad, Dr. Agadir Arafat-the science of terrorism and the intellectual, psychological and social

foundations for the study of terrorism - al – Hamid presses – Jordan - first edition-2006 p.35.

(4) Dr. Mohammed Aziz Shoukry – international terrorism and the current world order-Damascus press-without Year of

issue- P. 96.

(5) Dr. Hussein Abu Dames – The impact of Technological Development on Terrorism – Dar Alam Al Kitab – Jordan –

2005 – P. 42.

(6) Dr. Moataz Mahi Abdel Hamid - the previous reference - p. 8.

(7) Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud– Manar Al-Islam Magazine – Issue 495 – p20.

(8) Dr. Hameed Mohamed Salem Alshamsy – Procedural Provisions for the terrorist crimes – Alnahda Alarabiya Press

House, Egypt, 2015, Page: 234.

(9) Dr. Hameed Mohamed Salem Alshamsy – The Previous Reference – Page: 237

(10) Dr. Said Ali Elnakby – Criminal Facing of Terrorism – Comparative Study – Alnahda Al-Arabiya Press House – Egypt

2001, Page: 238.

(11) See articles No. (143 – 146) of Emirati Federal Penal Law




How to Cite

Mosselhi, A. (2024). Terrorist Organizations (Spread, causes and legal measures to combat). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 28(1), 01-08. https://psychosocial.com/PSY/index.php/ijpr/article/view/2