Article Processing Charges

The International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (IJPR) operates under a no-cost APC policy, ensuring that all accepted manuscripts are published without any mandatory charges to the authors. This policy is designed to eliminate financial barriers and support the wide dissemination of research findings. However, authors of funded articles may voluntarily contribute to support the journal's sustainability.

Manuscript Type and Article Processing Charges

Although IJPR does not enforce mandatory charges, the following are the standard Article Processing Charges (APCs) for reference:

Manuscript Type USD EURO GBP
Regular Articles 1299 1187 1020
Special Issue Articles 1019 933 814

Usage of Voluntary Contributions

Voluntary contributions from funded articles help cover the costs associated with the publication process. These contributions are used as follows:

  • Editorial and Peer Review Management

    • Coordinating the double-blind peer review process.
    • Managing submissions, revisions, and editorial decisions.
    • Ensuring adherence to ethical standards and COPE guidelines.
  • Production Costs

    • Typesetting, formatting, and layout of the manuscripts.
    • High-quality figure and image preparation.
    • Proofreading and quality control to ensure error-free publications.
  • Open Access Hosting and Archiving

    • Maintaining the journal’s online platform for immediate and free access to articles.
    • Digital preservation through services like CLOCKSS and Portico to ensure long-term accessibility.
  • Technical Infrastructure

    • Developing and maintaining the online submission and review system.
    • Implementing plagiarism detection software.
    • Ensuring website security and usability.
  • Marketing and Promotion

    • Promoting published articles to enhance visibility and impact.
    • Indexing and abstracting services to ensure inclusion in major databases.

Voluntary Contribution Details

  • Amount: Authors of funded articles can choose the amount they wish to contribute voluntarily.
  • Usage: Contributions are used to support the editorial process, production, technical infrastructure, hosting, and promotion of the journal.
  • Transparency: Contributors will receive a statement detailing how their contributions are utilized to support the journal’s operations.

Waiver Policy

Since IJPR does not charge mandatory APCs, the following applies:

  • Full Accessibility:
    • Researchers from all over the world, regardless of their financial situation, can publish in the journal without worrying about costs.
  • Research4Life Initiative:
    • Active participation in initiatives like Research4Life (HINARI) to ensure access to research in low-income countries.

Payment Modes

For voluntary contributions from funded articles, the following payment methods are available:

  • Credit Card:

    • Secure online payment gateway for credit card transactions.
    • PayPal
  • Bank Transfer:

    • Bank transfer details will be provided upon request for those who prefer this mode of payment.

Refund Policy

IJPR maintains a clear refund policy for voluntary contributions:

  • Refund Eligibility:

    • Refunds for voluntary contributions are considered on a case-by-case basis.
    • If an error occurs on the part of the journal (e.g., duplicate payment), a full refund will be issued.
  • Non-Refundable Situations:

    • Voluntary contributions are non-refundable once utilized for publication processes.
  • Request Process:

    • Authors should contact the journal's support team with any refund requests, providing relevant details and justification.


IJPR is committed to providing comprehensive support to authors:

  • Customer Support:

    • Authors can reach out to our dedicated support team for any questions or concerns regarding voluntary contributions or the publication process.
  • Contact Information: