An assessment of mentor’s organizational based self-esteem and proactive personality on employee’s job satisfaction and subjective career success: An empirical investigation of mediating and moderating variable


  • Anjum ara Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi Author



Mentoring, Personality, OBSE, Employee Job satisfaction, Subjective Career success


 According to “self-consistency” theory (Korman, 1970), an individual has the tendency to consistently

change his attitude, thoughts to maintain his positive impact and views on the given situation. Based on this

theory, we examined a theoretical model, linking the mentor’s proactive personality and his organizational

based self-esteem to employee’s career success and their job satisfaction level. We also explored the mediating

effect of mentoring relation on employee’s outcomes. A cross-sectional study has been conducted among Indian

business organizations (N = 202). Results showed that both personality traits of the mentor (Proactive

personality and organizational based self-esteem) positively predicted employees job satisfaction and career

success with these relationships mediated by mentoring relation. Conversely, when we look into the interaction

effect of these personality traits, we found that the mentor with a high level of proactive personality will

negatively affect the mentoring and OBSE relation and if proactiveness is low, then OBSE and mentoring

relation become stronger. Our study is unique, because only few studies has been conducted to capture the

mediating role of mentoring between personality and outcomes and this study also provides useful insights into

the existing research about the role of a mentor’s personality in mentoring relation. 


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How to Cite

ara, A. (2021). An assessment of mentor’s organizational based self-esteem and proactive personality on employee’s job satisfaction and subjective career success: An empirical investigation of mediating and moderating variable. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(3), 301-315.