
  • Baiq Eka Putri Saudia Midwifery Departement, Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia Author
  • Dwi Yulinda Universitas Jendral Achmad Yani Yogyakarta, Indonesia Author



Counselling, Kangaroo Care Method, BBLR


 Objective: The result of population inter-census survey in 2015 revealed that Infants

Mortality Rate reached 22.23 per 1000 of live birth, and one of its causes in Indonesia is

BBLR by 10.2%. Moreover, the case of BBLR in Hospital Patut Patuh Patju of West Lombok

Regency in 2017 was 16.25% slightly decreased than in 2016 by 17.11%. One of the BBLR’s

care efforts which is proven simple, cheap, and highly recommended is Kangaroo Mother

Care (KMC). This study aimed at finding out the effect of Kangaroo Counselling Care

Method towards the increase of baby’s body length for low birth weight at Hospital Patut

Patuh Patju of West Lombok Regency.

Method: This study used Quasi Experimental under Nonequivalent Control Group Design

with 34 babies as sample who were divided into two groups; intervention group consisted of

19 babies treated through counselling, and Kangaroo Care Method, meanwhile, the control

group was 15 babies treated through everyday Baby Care.

Result: The increase of babies’ body length in intervention group was 1.29 cm. Meanwhile,

the control group was 1.01 cm per 2 weeks. The result of statistical test using Mann Whitney

was p = 0,005.

Conclusion: There is an effect of Kangaroo Counselling Care Method towards the increase

of babies’ body length for low birth weight at Hospital Patut Patuh Patju of West Lombok



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How to Cite

Putri Saudia, B. E., & Yulinda, D. (2021). THE EFFECT OF KANGAROO COUNSELLING CARE METHOD TOWARDS ANTHROPOMETRY OF LOW-BIRTH-WEIGHT. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(3), 90-98.