
  • Dr Ifeanyi Mbukanma Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Economics Sciences), Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, North-West University, Republic of South Africa. Author
  • Prof Ravinder Rena Professor of Economics, NWU Business School, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, North-West University, Republic of South Africa. Author



Financial literacy variables, Household savings behaviour, Structural Equation Model, South Africa


 This study was conducted to ascertain financial literacy variables that have a statistically

significant impact on household savings behaviour. Thus, to achieve this objective, financial

literacy micro-variables were used to obtain quantitative data from the employees of the City

of Tshwane and Mahikeng Municipality in South Africa. Correlation statistical analysis and

factor analysis were performed to identify financial literacy micro-variables that have a

significant impact on household savings behaviour as well as a confirmatory factor analysis

through structural equation modelling. Hence, the findings of this study reveal that financial

literacy variables under the domain of financial control, planning and knowledge have a

positive correlation with determinant variables of South African household savings behaviour

and recommend that stakeholders in charge of financial literacy and savings campaigns in

South Africa should adopt the study's contribution which identifies financial and savings

literacy as core variables that can improve savings behaviour of South African households 


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