
  • Anjan Kumar Kundu Assistant Professor, Applied Science & Humanities, Haldia Institute of Technology Author




Human Resources Management Practices, Employee Engagement


 The connection between Human Resources Management Practices (HRMP) and employee engagement has
acquired critical consideration structure researchers. Regardless of the significance of HRMP and its effect
on employee engagement in the business, little examination has been done as far as developing a deliberate
writing audit in the branch of knowledge. Subsequently, this paper intends to introduce a methodical writing
survey of articles dependent on forty exceptionally positioned diaries during the time of 1990 to 2017. The
paper researches the chronicled advancements of Human Resources Management (HRM), HRMP, and
employee engagement to introduce the reasonable evolvement and elaboration of the connection among
HRMP, and employee engagement. The writing featured that appropriately executing HRMP impacts
employee engagement, and what this relationship decidedly means for the general presentation. In this term,
a proposed system is introduced. At long last, the examination restrictions and roads for future analysts are


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How to Cite

Kumar Kundu, A. (2024). UNDERSTANDING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (HRM), HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (HRMP) AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(2), 1442-1447. https://doi.org/10.61841/az8e3289