Administration, Education, Internal Supervision, Secondary Education, SupervisionAbstract
The study investigated the role of internal supervision in repositioning secondary school
administration in Enugu State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study.
The population of the study consists of 92 teachers from the selected 25 secondary schools in
Nsukka education zone, Enugu state. Purposive sampling technique was adapted to the study. A
sample size of 78 teachers was used because most of the teachers were on leave. A wellstructured Questionnaire titled the role of internal supervision in repositioning secondary school
administration in Enugu state (QRISRSSA) containing 17 items were the instrument for data
collection. The instrument was validated by three experts from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
The validated instrument was trial tested, using 20 respondents which comprised of 15 female
teachers and 5 male teachers outside the study area. Cronbach alpha method was used to
determine the internal consistency of the instrument which gave overall reliability of 0.81. Mean
and standard deviation were used in data analysis. The study revealed that the school
administrators should endeavor to involve in thorough evaluation and monitoring of the school
academic performance of the students, supervision of instructional delivery of the teachers,
teachers and the no-tutorial staffs should be motivated as when due, and provision of quality
instructional materials for effective teaching and learning should be taken into consideration.
Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that the school administrators in sukka education zone should organize seminars, symposium, conferences and workshop in
order to sensitize the staff on the relevance of internal supervision in circular schools.
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