Rainfall Triggered Soil Slope Stabilized with Vetiver Plant


  • Saurabh Kumar Research Scholar, Civil Engineering, NIT Patna, Bihar, India Author
  • Dr. Lal Bahadur Roy Research Scholar, Civil Engineering, NIT Patna, Bihar, India Author




Rainfall, Vetiver Plant, Soil Slope, MIDAS Software, Slope Deformation, Factor of Safety, Seepage, Multimedia Learning


 Rainfall has been identified as one of the main causes for slope failures in areas where high
annual rainfall is experienced. Vetiver Plant root systems play a major role in the mechanical
properties of soil by increasing soil strength and stability, and by increasing the porosity. Soil
root matrix bond the soil slope with the mechanical structure technique stabilization used to
mitigate the slope failure. Investigation shows that the root framework causes a decrease of
water penetration rate, reduce the rate of rising groundwater table, and expanding in soil shear
quality. The root-reinforced soil is expected to be of higher strength as well as higher
permeability, which would help to reduce runoff by providing more infiltration, thus improving
the slope stability. Vetiver root hedges interact with the soil to provide more shearing strength.
Rainfall simulator has been designed in laboratory for the observation of the slope deformation,
factor of safety, infiltration and seepage flow inside the slope. Numerical analysis of the slope
stabilization with Vetiver Plant subjected to different rainfall intensity has been observed by
MIDAS Engineering Software. During heavy rainfall Vetiver hedges are very effective to
increase the slope stability, maintain the matric suction and reduce the chances of slope
embankment failure. 


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How to Cite

Kumar, S., & Bahadur Roy, L. (2024). Rainfall Triggered Soil Slope Stabilized with Vetiver Plant. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(2), 703-714. https://doi.org/10.61841/20rsfv06