The effect of the seven-course learning strategy (7E’S) on the cognitive speed and accuracy of defensive performance in volleyball for female students


  • Dr. Haider Mahmoud Abood University of Babylon/ College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/Iraq Author



Seven-course, learning strategy and accuracy


 The article aimed to prepare educational units according to the strategy of the seven-year learning cycle (7E'S), and to identify the effect of the strategy of the seven-year learning cycle (7E'S) on the cognitive speed and accuracy of defensive performance in volleyball for female students. Volleyball is one of the sports shown inside the educational plans of colleges of physical education that It has difficult skills and movements, and given that this game requires good skill performance, we, as teachers, must use modern strategies to learn its skill and bring learners to the degree of mastery, including the seven-cycle learning strategy that is compatible with those defensive skills that enable us to achieve a good form of the learning process, and the mental aspect is (Cognitive speed) is one of the main requirements in all sports, including volleyball, because it enables learners to perform skill accuracy in a manner consistent with the requirements of ideal performance.


The exploratory methodology was used with an exploratory plan with a single group design. The article not entirely settled by the third-year female understudies in the School of Actual Training and Sports Sciences at the College of Babylon for the scholastic year 2021-2022, who numbered (30) understudies. Then, at that point, an example of (24) female understudies was picked, after which the fundamental examination was applied. According to the chosen exploratory plan, the cognitive speed test and the accuracy tests of defensive performance in volleyball were chosen and applied, after which the educational curriculum was applied with (12) educational units, then the pre-test was conducted and all the educational units were applied, after which the post-test was conducted and appropriate statistical methods were used, and the article concluded To the conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which were the following:


The seven-course learning strategy has a positive effect on the cognitive speed and accuracy of defensive performance in volleyball for female students. The seven-year learning cycle strategy has a major role in encouraging female students to participate in the learning and teaching process by asking questions and inquiries about skills.


The recommendations were:


• Adopting the strategy of the role of seven-point learning in developing cognitive speed and accuracy of defensive


performance in volleyball. 


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How to Cite

Mahmoud Abood, H. (2023). The effect of the seven-course learning strategy (7E’S) on the cognitive speed and accuracy of defensive performance in volleyball for female students. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 27(3), 23-28.