Assessment of Counselling Services Available to Prison Inmates in South-East, Nigeria


  • Angela Ngozi Nwadik Department of Educational Foundations, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, P.M.B 410001, Nigeria. Author
  • Nwaeze Ogbonnaya Okor Department of Educational Foundations, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, P.M.B 410001, Nigeria. Author
  • Bartholomew C. Nwefuru Department of Educational Foundations, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, P.M.B 410001, Nigeria. Author



Counselling Services, Prison Inmates, South-East, Nigeria.


 The study investigated availability of counselling services in South East, Nigeria prisons. Based on the purpose of the study, one research question was raised and a hypothesis postulated that guided the study. It employed descriptive Survey design. Population of the study was 9,241 prison inmates. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select a sample of 924 subjects comprising 116 convicted inmates and 808 non-convicted prison inmates. The instrument for data collection was Questionnaire for Counselling Services in Prison (QCSP). The face and content validities of the instrument was assured. In determining the reliability of the instrument, Cronbach Alpha test was used, reliability co-efficient of 0.81 was obtained. The research question raised was answered using descriptive statistic (Frequency and percentage scores). The major findings showed that there are counselling services for prison inmates in South-East Nigeria. There was no significant difference between the responses of convicted and non-convicted prison inmates on the counselling services available to prison inmates 


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How to Cite

Ngozi Nwadik, A., Ogbonnaya Okor, N., & C. Nwefuru, B. (2021). Assessment of Counselling Services Available to Prison Inmates in South-East, Nigeria. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(2), 96-103.