Develop a negativeand positive customer experience model in online retailing by study the differences between customer experience models in successful and failure situations


  • Adam Smayan Fayyadh Al-Mashhadani Ain shams university-faculty of business Business Administration Author



customer experience Online, experience destruction,, Regulatory theory of focus,, experience and Affective,, negative and positive customer experience.


the study objectives are Develop a negative and positive customer experience model in online retailing by study the differences between customer experience models in successful and failure situations. The findings also show the importance of Internet instability, as it has a negative impact and contributes to adverse consumer expectations and responses, should be taken into consideration by corporations.



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How to Cite

Al-Mashhadani, A. S. F. (2020). Develop a negativeand positive customer experience model in online retailing by study the differences between customer experience models in successful and failure situations. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(4), 12-24.