Intrusion Detection and Vulnerability Analysis with Temporal Relationalship


  • T. Krishnakaarthik Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. Author
  • K.C. Rajavenkatesswaran Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India Author
  • Dr.S. Nandagopal Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. Author
  • Dr.P. Saveetha Department of Information Technology, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. Author



Intrusion Detection, Attack Ramification, Vulnerability Analysis, Temporal Dependency Network and Dynamic Bayesian Network


 The network attacks are discovered using the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). Anomaly, signature and compound attack detection schemes are employed to fetch malicious data traffic activities. The attack impact analysis operations are carried out to discover the malicious objects in the network. The system objects are contaminated with process injection or hijacking. The attack ramification model discovers the contaminated objects. The dependency networks are build to model the information flow over the objects in the network. The dependency network is a directed graph build to indicate the data communication over the objects. The attack ramification models are designed with intrusion root information. The attack ramifications are applied to identify the malicious objects and contaminated objects. The attack ramifications are discovered with the information flows from the attack sources. The Attack Ramification with Bayesian Network (ARBN) scheme discovers the attack impact without the knowledge of the intrusion root. The probabilistic reasoning approach is employed to analyze the object state for ramification process. The objects lifetime is divided into temporal slices to verify the object state changes. The system call traces and object slices are correlated to construct the Temporal Dependency Network (TDN). The Bayesian Network (BN) is constructed with the uncertain data communication activities extracted from the TDN. The attack impact is fetched with loopy belief propagation on the BN model. The network security system is build with attack impact analysis and recovery operations. Live traffic data analysis process is carried out with improved temporal slicing concepts. Attack Ramification and Recovery with Dynamic Bayesian Network (ARRDBN) is build to support attack impact analysis and recovery tasks. The unsupervised attack handling mechanism automatically discovers the feasible solution for the associated attacks. 


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How to Cite

Krishnakaarthik, T., Rajavenkatesswaran, K., Nandagopal, S., & Saveetha, P. (2019). Intrusion Detection and Vulnerability Analysis with Temporal Relationalship. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(4), 1205-1216.