Perception of Community Reintegration From Correctional and Psychiatric Settings


  • Lindsay A. Phillips Albright College Author



stigma;, reentry;, psychiatric history, community integration


Objective: This research investigated how adult participants (N = 155) view individuals who are reintegrating to society.

Methods: Participants were undergraduate students from a program for working adults who evaluated a reintegration scenario. The types of reintegration were based on a fictitious scenario describing either a person who is new to your neighborhood or workplace (a control condition), reintegrating following psychiatric hospitalization, reintegrating following release from a correctional facility, or re- integrating following release from a forensic psychiatric facility. Results: People reintegrating from corrections, psychiatric, and forensic/psychiatric facilities were perceived more negatively than individuals without forensic/psychiatric histories. Additionally, indi- viduals reintegrating from such facilities were more welcomed in workplace than neighborhood settings.

Limitations: This study used short, fictitious vignettes, which might not represent true societal interactions. Future research should seek larger and more diverse samples.

Conclusions and Implications: Methods to reduce stigma for individuals with mental illness and criminal history are an important com- ponent of community integration, and communities in which individuals will live should be increasingly targeted in such interventions.



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How to Cite

Phillips, L. A. (2013). Perception of Community Reintegration From Correctional and Psychiatric Settings. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 17(No. 2), 119-128.