Analysis of Factors for Adopting E-Learning in Vocational Technical Skill Learning


  • Giovanna T.Gayatri Information SystemManagement Department, BINUS Graduate Program - Master ofInformation System Management, Bina Nusantara UniversityJakarta, Indonesia 11480. Author
  • Sfenrianto Information SystemManagement Department, BINUS Graduate Program - Master ofInformation System Management, Bina Nusantara UniversityJakarta, Indonesia 11480. Author



SEM, e-Learning, AMOS, vocational learning, TAM


 The presence of information and communication technology has become a new pattern and lifestyle of people in Indonesia. E-learning is increasingly being used, both on formal and non formal education. The author interested in bringing up the study to analyze the factors affecting the adoption of e-learning at vocational technical skill training, using the Model of e-Learning adoption from Elkaseh (2015). The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors in e-learning adoption in technical skills training, which include Variables: Social Influence, Perceived Enjoyment, Social Networking Media, Mobile Devices, Perceived Ease of use, Perceived Usefulness, Attitude toward Using , and Behavioral Intention to use.The study using Structural Equation Modelling analysis, using AMOS. The result show that there are 8 hypotheses supported from totally 11 hypotheses which involves those variables. The result also show that the research model is considered valid and reliable. 


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How to Cite

T.Gayatri, G., & Sfenrianto. (2019). Analysis of Factors for Adopting E-Learning in Vocational Technical Skill Learning. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(4), 912-929.