An Empirical Framework toUnderstand the Antecedents of Work Engagement and Employability in the Thai Universities


  • Kittisak Jermsittiparsert Department for Management of Science and Technology Development, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Author
  • Thanaporn Sriyakul Faculty of Business Administration, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand Author
  • Parinya Siriattakul School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia Author



Ethical leadership, work engagement, employability, Thailand


 Present research is basically concerned to investigate the impact of ethical leadership and creative selfconcept on work engagement and employability. In addition to that, the study has examined meaningful work as the mediator, and cognitive emotional regulation is taken as the significant moderator between leadership and meaningful work. The study has used the survey-based methodology, and the questionnaire is adopted from the prior findings. In order to reply to the questions raised in current research, the SEM-PLS tool is employed. The data is collected from Thai universities; the findings of the study have provided support to the proposed results. The mediation and moderation effect appears in a significant. The study broached an argument that Happily engrossed in ones work and fully concentrated is the state of absorption. Engrossment, satisfaction and full concentration of jobrelated tasks that one individual receives refers to this component of absorption, thus deriving pleasure from work, the eudemonic approach is also referred to this state. Such individuals having the state of absorption have difficult often to detach or disengage their jobs from themselves. The results of the research studymight provide help to the policymakers, researchers, and HR personnel in understanding the issues related to employability, and work engagement. 


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How to Cite

Jermsittiparsert, K., Sriyakul, T., & Siriattakul, P. (2019). An Empirical Framework toUnderstand the Antecedents of Work Engagement and Employability in the Thai Universities. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(4), 837-852.