Application Analysis of the Cost Accounting Model for Micro Entities in Profit Optimization Efforts


  • Yoga Tantular Rachman Economic Faculty of Universitas Widyatama Author
  • Bunga Indah Bayunitri Economic Faculty of Universitas Widyatama Author
  • Nur Surayya Mohd Saudi Univeriti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia Author



Cost Accounting, Micro Entities, earnings


The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of cost accounting in micro, small, and medium enterprises in optimizing profits as a means of small industries so that they can maintain their business sustainability. The research method used by researchers is the descriptive method. Data from direct observations and interviews are processed and described based on sources from the literature (articles, books, magazines, etc.). The results of this study are a model of calculating sales and cost of goods sold for products produced by these small businesses. Furthermore, the results of this study are expected to provide an illustration for the small business in determining the selling price more accurately in order to get an optimal profit. 


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How to Cite

Tantular Rachman, Y., Indah Bayunitri, B., & Surayya Mohd Saudi, N. (2020). Application Analysis of the Cost Accounting Model for Micro Entities in Profit Optimization Efforts. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(2), 8940-8945.