Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior In An Urban Area


  • Shyam Sundar Kapri Department of Comp. Sc. & Info. Tech., Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India 248002 Author




Consumer behaviour, expectations, financial markets crash, housing crash, advent of internet, cosumer, purchase decision, psychological factors, target consumers, real asset.


Many variables affect consumer behavior. Go-to-market success requires client understanding. "It is crucial to remember that consumer expectations always change due to outside causes (think financial markets catastrophe, layoffs, housing crashes, introduction of the internet), and companies need to be nimble and embrace change to suit customer wants." Consumer purchasing behavior is the final buyer's behavior. Many elements, specificities, and qualities affect the person and the consumer's decision-making process, shopping habits, buying behavior, brands, and merchants. These elements determine a purchase. Consumers are impacted by their culture, subculture, socioeconomic class, membership groups, your relatives, personality traits, psychological characteristics, and social and societal surroundings. Brands can improve their strategy, advertisement (unique value proposition), and advertising campaigns by knowing and comprehending the factors that impact their customers. 


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1. Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 12th Edition by Delbert Hawkins and David Mothers-Baugh

2. Consumer Behavior by Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. Mac Innis and Rik Pieters

3. Consumer Behavior (10th Edition) by Leon Schiffma and Leslie Kanuk

4. Consumer Behavior (11th Edition) by Leon G. Schiffman and Joseph Wisenblit




How to Cite

Sundar Kapri, S. (2019). Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior In An Urban Area. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(3), 1184-1189. https://doi.org/10.61841/wgwndw54