Role Of Women Leadership Attributes In Defense Services


  • Mayank Nautiyal Asst. professor, School of Management, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun Uttarakhand India Author



talent pool, sensitive jobs, interpersonal skills solider, militaries, combat duty, sexism, opportunities.


 In certain settings, women really do better than men. Women's participation in the military would quadruple the number of qualified candidates for sensitive positions that need people's skills. Armed forces are better able to put their finest and most diplomatic troops to work to rapidly resolve conflicts when they have access to a larger pool of potential recruits. Restricting women from serving in combat perpetuates sexism since it is widely accepted that combat experience is a prerequisite for advancement to senior officer posts. In the military, women must be subjected to the same dangers as males if they are to be afforded the same chances. 


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1. London Business School, University of Southern California, and Price water house Coopers, “PwC’s NextGen: A

global generational study,”(2013); Jeanne C. Meister and Karie Willyerd, “Mentoring Millennials,” Harvard Business

Review, May 2010; and Dana Theus, “11 Ways Women (and Men!) Are Changing Work-Life Values,”, March 13, 2014.

2. “Women CEOs of the Fortune 1000,”, November 7, 2014,

3. United States Department of Labor, “Civilian labor force by sex, 1970-2012”;and Bureau of Labor Statistics, “1960-

1961,” from “100 Years of U.S. Consumer Spending.”

4. Additionally, the introduction of oral contraceptives (“the pill”) in 1960gave women more flexibility in planning their

careers as well as their families.

5. For a full list of significant legal and policy changes, see Women’s Research& Education Institute, “Chronology of

Significant Legal & Policy Changes Affecting Women in the Military: 1947-2003;” and the National Center for

Veterans Analysis and Statistics, “America’s Women Veterans: Military Service History and VA Benefit Utilization

Statistics,” United States Department of Veterans Affairs (Washington), November 23, 2011.

6. Public Law 625, Women’s Armed Services Integration Act, 1948.

7. Public Law 90-130, Women’s Armed Services Integration Act, 1967.

8. For example, in 1988 the Department of Defense adopted the “Risk Rule,” which “excluded women from noncombat

units or missions if the risks of exposure to direct combat, hostile fire, or capture were equal to or greater than the

risks in the combat units they support.” See David F. Burrelli, “Women in Combat: Issues for Congress.”

Congressional Research Service, May 9, 2013, 3.

9. The White House Council on Women and Girls, Keeping America’s Women Moving Forward: The Key to an

Economy Built to Last (April 2012).

10. See World Bank, “International Labor Organization, Key Indicators of the Labor Market Database,”, (September 18, 2014); and U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Women in the Labor Force: A Data Book, Report 1049 (May 2014).

11. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor Force Characteristics by Race and Ethnicity, 2012, Report 1044 (October

2013), 9.

12. “By the Numbers: Women in the U.S. military.”

13. “First for Women,”, June 7 2012,

14. Military Leadership Diversity Commission, “Issue Paper #4: Promotion.” Department of Defense, February 2011, 1.

15. Military Leadership Diversity Commission, “Issue Paper #23: Military Occupations and Implications for

Racial/Ethnic and Gender Diversity(Officers).” Department of Defense, March 2010.

16. Interviews with female senior non-commissioned officers (NCOs), June2014.

17. Pros and cons of women in combat

18. Fundamental Pros and Cons of Women in Combat

19. Women's Leadership in the Military and Private Sector




How to Cite

Nautiyal, M. (2019). Role Of Women Leadership Attributes In Defense Services. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(3), 1135-1139.