Online Reviews and Ratings on Mid-segment Mobile Phones: A Perception Study


  • Dr. Sundar Raj Vijayanagar Professor, IFIM Business School, Bangalore Author
  • A. Nithin PGDM Student, IFIM Business School, Bangalore Author
  • Sachidanand Rath PGDM Student, IFIM Business School, Bangalore. Author
  • Rahul Ranjan PGDM Student, IFIM Business School, Bangalore Author
  • Dr. Siddharth Misra Adjunct Professor, IFIM Business School, Bangalore Author



Reviews and Ratings, Consumer Perception, Demographical Influence, Purchase Decision, Midsegment Mobile Phones


 Purpose: This study aims to understand the influence of reviews and ratings on the purchase decision of mid-segment mobile phones based on the demographic profile.

Design/Methodology/Answer: Primary data was collected from 200 respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire. Multistage regression using SPSS version 20.0 was adopted to analyze and interpret the results of the collected data.

Findings: It was found that demographical characteristics have an influence on purchase decisions based on the reviews and ratings they read on mid-segment mobile phones. Income range has a significant effect on the decision-making. Also, our study has suggested that the age group and gender have no impact on reviews.

Practical Implications: This study is important to know how consumers perceive reviews and ratings. Moreover, it is useful for marketers to understand and study the current demand for the product based on the demographic profile, and it will help to elevate the demand to the most desired state.

Originality/Value: This paper focuses on filling the gap of demographical influence on purchase decision by reviewing and rating mid-segment mobile phones 


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How to Cite

Raj Vijayanagar, S., Nithin, A., Rath, S., Ranjan, R., & Misra, S. (2019). Online Reviews and Ratings on Mid-segment Mobile Phones: A Perception Study. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(3), 906-916.