Robo-Advisory: An Investor’s Perception


  • Dr. Nitin Balwani IFIM Business School, Bangalore. Author
  • Abhilas Dash PGDM Student, IFIM Business School, Bangalore. Author
  • Aishwarya Das PGDM Student,IFIM Business School, Bangalore. Author
  • Lipsa Das PGDM Student, IFIM Business School, Bangalore Author
  • Dr. Siddharth Misra Adjunct Professor, IFIM Business School, Bangalore Author
  • Dr. Supriyo Ghose Professor, IFIM Business School, Bangalore Author



Robo-Advisory, Human Advisors, Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), Impact Analysis, Portfolio Management and Low Cost Investment.


 Purpose: This research paper aims to examine the perception of individual investors towards the robo-advisory financial services and the performance of this innovative platform against human advisors.

Design/ methodology/ approach: A survey method was employed and a response set from 167 investors were collected to probe into the perception of potential investors on the robo-advisory. The relationship between the perception and the robo-advisory was established using the regression analysis and the hypothesis was validated using ANOVA.

Findings: The outcome of the study suggested that the investor’s prefer the robo-advisory financial services platform over human advisors as far as investment was concerned.

Practical Implications: Clients and potential investors can avail an automated algorithm based investment platform. The robo-advisory platform can be enforced into the banking and insurance sectors for generating faster financial assistance and investment decision than a traditional human advisor.

Originality/value: The novelty of this paper lies in the empirical evidence of the impact of potential investors on the robo-advisory. The successful implementation of the robo-advisory in Indian firms will help the common man to avail a low cost and high accuracy advisory facility. 


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How to Cite

Balwani, N., Dash, A., Das, A., Das, L., Misra, S., & Ghose, S. (2019). Robo-Advisory: An Investor’s Perception. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(3), 874-884.