A Study of Cylindrical Surface Grinding Under Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Conditions
Abrasive material removal processes is high power consuming and results in high temperatures. Effective lubrication and cooling is necessary to ensure temperature levels do not become excessive, flood lubrication is used, but this fluid delivery system increase production cost due to fluid purchase and disposal. Moreover, waste fluids have a negative environmental impact. Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) method is effective lubrication method where a small amount of fluid is directed into the machining area in the form of liquid droplets with compressed air. This paper presents a comparative study of three cooling methods: conventional flood cooling, dry grinding and grinding with MQL. AISI/ SAE - 4340 steel will be ground with a general purpose alumina wheel. Results obtained demonstrate that MQL can deliver a comparable performance to flood delivery.
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46. Anandan V, S Senthamilkumar, V Sundararajulu S Gunaselvi and M Jeganathan. 2019. “Comparative study on the behavior of conventional ferrocement and modified ferrocement wrapped columns”. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (IJARET). 10(6): 22-29, ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499. Impact factor - 10.22.
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49. Satheesh kumar P , M Jeganathan, M Santhiya and S Gunaselvi. 2019. “ A study on climatological condition with reference to urban and town areas of tamilnadu, India”. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research (JICR). ISSN NO: 0022 – 1945. Impact
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50. Arokiaswamy.I, Arumugam.D, Satheesh Kumar.P and Jeganathan.M. 2019. Manora Tower - A Case Study. Journal Of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research (JICR). ISSN NO: 0022 – 1945. Impact factor – 6.2.
51. Gomathi.P, Jayakumar.S and Jeganathan.M. 2019. “ A study on morphological and chemical characterization of pollen grains of gamma rays induced tomato (solanum lycopersicum) mutants using sem-eds and ftir analysis". Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research JICR/2283. ISSN NO: 0022 – 1945. Impact factor – 6.2.
52. Gomathi.P, Jayakumar.S and Jeganathan.M. 2019. Induced mutagnesis on some morphological characters of tomato (solanum lycopersicum l.) by using gamma rays and EMS. Journal Of Information And Computational Science (JOICS). ISSN: 1548-7741.
53. Gunaselvi.S, Sivasankar.R, Ajith.M and Jeganathan.M. 2020. “A case study on bacteria mixed concrete frame with conventional concrete frame”. Adalya Journal. ISSN NO: 1301-2746. 9 (1): Index-3.
54. Gunaselvi.S, Sivasankar.R, Manivel.M, Jeganathan.M, Satheesh Kumar.P and Ashok.J. 2020. “Analytical study on hybrid behaviour of cold formed and hot rolled section as a compression member”. Adalya Journal. ISSN NO: 1301-2746. 9 (1): Index-3.
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56. Sundar S, M Jeganathan, P Satheesh Kumar and S Stella Mary. 2020. Evaluation of Building Construction Water Quality and Removal of Total Hardness Using Low Cost Methods. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (IJARET). 11 (2): ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499. Impact factor - 10.22.
57. Manju M, Nagarajan K Satheesh Kumar P and Jeganathan M. 2020. Determination of Heat Resistant In Building Structures - A Case Study. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (IJARET). 11 (2): ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and
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58. Manju M, Nagarajan K Satheesh Kumar P and Jeganathan M. 2020. Analysis Of Quantity And Quality Of Light In Schools And Residential Area Of Chennai City, Tamilnadu, India. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And technology (IJARET). 11 (2): ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499. Impact factor - 10.22.
59. Manju M, Nagarajan K Satheesh Kumar P and Jeganathan M. 2020. Environmental Quality And Economical Study On Electrical And Electronic Industry - A Case Study. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (IJARET).
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60. Satheeshkumar P, Manju M and Jeganathan M . 2020. “Analysis of Shading Elements in Building Structures” – Paper Submitted for the Research Day in SAID, SRM IST.
61. Jeganathan Muthaiyan, Mohammed Saleh Nusari and Vasanthy Muthunarayanan. 2021. Determination Of Physical And Chemical Materials Of Marine Water. Materials Today: Proceedings- 37, Pp: 284–293. https://ees.elsevier.com/matpr/.
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65. Jeganathan Muthaiyan et.al,. 2020. SECOND SERFOJI PERIOD ARTS AT THANJAVUR – A CASE STUDY. Journal of Xidian University. Volume 14, Issue 9, 2020, ISSN No:1001-2400:Pp-1435- 1445.
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66. Jeganathan Muthaiyan et.al,. 2020. THE SARASVATI MAHAL LIBRARY AND CONTRIBUTION OF RAJAH SERFOJI II. Journal of Xidian University. Volume 14, Issue 9, 2020, ISSN No:1001-2400:Pp-1446- 1453. http://xadzkjdx.cn/ https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.7/100 .
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70. Arokiaswamy.I, Arumugam.D, Satheesh Kumar.P and Jeganathan. 2020. The Sarasvati Mahal Library and Contribution of Rajah Serfoji II. Kala: The Journal of Indian Art History Congress, ISSN No: 0975-7945. Volume-26, No.2(XV) : October-December
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71. Ganesh Babu KN, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan, Jeganathan M and Sangeetha M. 2020. Air quality monitoring in Bangalore – A case study. Kala Sarovar. ISSN NO: 09754520. Volume-23, No.4 (VI) : 2020-2021.Pp:57-64.
72. Ganesh Babu KN, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan, Jeganathan M and Sangeetha M. 2020. A study on review of air pollutants with the impact on human health and the conceptual design based improvement for well being of the society. Kala Sarovar. ISSN NO: 0975
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73. Malarvannan J, C. Sivasubramanian, R. Sivasankar, M. Jeganathan and M. Balakumari. 2016. Shading of building as a preventive measure for passive cooling and energy conservation – A case study. Indo – Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IAJMR): ISSN: 2454-1370. Volume – 2; Issue - 6; Year – 2016; Page: 906 – 910. DOI: 10.21276.iajmr.2016.2.6.10.
74. Malarvannan J, C. Sivasubramanian, R. Sivasankar, M. Jeganathan and M. Balakumari. 2016. Assessment of water resource consumption in building construction in tamilnadu, India. Life Science Archives (LSA) ISSN: 2454-1354 Volume – 2; Issue - 6; Year – 2016; Page: 827 – 831 DOI: 10.21276/lsa.2016.2.6.7.
75. Sivasankar R, C. Sivasubramanian, J. Malarvannan, M. Jeganathan and M. Balakumari. 2016. A Study on water conservation aspects of green buildings. Life Science Archives (LSA),ISSN: 2454-1354. Volume – 2; Issue - 6; Year – 2016; Page: 832 – 836, DOI:
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