A Study On Stress Level Among First Year Paramedical Students In Bangalore City Urban Area
“Stress is simplya reactionn to a stimulus that disturbs our mental equilibrium. In otherwords,s it’s an omnipresent part of life. Stressful events can trigger the fighter flight.” Inpsychology,y stress is a feeling of strain and pressure.A smalll amount of stress maybe desirablee, beneficial, and even healthy. Forexample,e posture stress helps improve performance. It also plays a factor in motivation,adaptation,n and reaction to the environment. Excessive amounts ofstress,s however, may lead to bodily harm. Stress can lead toan increaseeinf strokes, heart attacks, ulcers,dwarfism,m and mentalillnessess such as depression. Stress is theemotional andl physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. It is a specific response by the body to a stimulus that disturbs normal functioning. A stressor is an event or any stimulus thatcausese an individual to experience stress. It’s almost impossible to live without somestress,s and most of us have some stress.
Stress has become a serious concern in the present time. Stress is basically any physical circumstantial or emotional change that a person has to adjust to most of the time. According to Harry Gottestold, “Stress is any interference that disturbs the functioning of organisms at any level and produces a situation natural for organisms to avoid.”
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