Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment on the Relationship between Internal Marketing and Marketing Performance


  • Sunardi Sembiring Brahmana School of Graduates Studies - Widyatama University Author
  • Veronica Christina School of Graduates Studies - Widyatama University Author



Internal Marketing, Organizational Commitment, Marketing Performance


The success of an organization in the face of competition lies in its ability to satisfy consumer needs in a way that is better than competitors. Organizations are required to be market-oriented. To be market-oriented, most organizations focus on how to boost and empower their external marketing capabilities. However, some studies revealed that an organization’s external marketing capabilities depend on its internal marketing (IM) capabilities. Internal marketing capabilities are related to the extent to which the organization can market itself to all individuals in the organization. This study is intended to examine whether organizational commitment mediates the relationship between IM and marketing performance of the Widyatama University (UTama), as seen from the perceptions of the lecturers. Data were obtained from 122 returned and processed questionnaires. This study found that: two dimensions of IM (vision and rewards) have positively and significantly effect marketing performance; two IM dimensions (development and rewards) have positively and significantly effect organizational commitment; one dimension of organizational commitment (affective commitment) has positively and significantly effect marketing performance; and finally, affective commitment was found to be partially mediated the relationship between vision and marketing performance. 


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How to Cite

Sembiring Brahmana, S., & Christina, V. (2020). Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment on the Relationship between Internal Marketing and Marketing Performance. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(2), 3212-3221.