Comparison of Road Overlay Layer Thickness Using the Components Analysis Method and Deflection Analysis Method on Roads Limbangan – Malangbong


  • Raden Herdian Bayu Ash Siddiq Department of Civil Engineering, Widyatama University, Indonesia Author
  • Udin Komarudin Department of Civil Engineering, Widyatama University, Indonesia Author



Provincial Road, Overlay, Component Analysis Method, Reverse Deflection Method


Highways are one of the transportation infrastructures in Indonesia that is often used to support economic activities, especially on provincial roads. However, often on provincial roads there are damages to road pavements that disrupt motorists' comfort. Limbangan-Malangbong road segment is a road with provincial road status. So that road construction can serve traffic flow according to the age of the plan, it is necessary to have a good pavement plan, because then the pavement construction is capable of carrying the burden of vehicles passing on it. This study aims to compare flexible pavement designs using component analysis methods and deflection analysis methods. From the analysis results, the overlay thickness with the component analysis method is 8 cm and the backward deflection method is 4 cm. It was also concluded that the results of CBR testing from STA 0 + 100 to 4 + 070 were majority below 6%, which means that the land needs to be compaction first. 


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How to Cite

Herdian Bayu Ash Siddiq, R., & Komarudin, U. (2020). Comparison of Road Overlay Layer Thickness Using the Components Analysis Method and Deflection Analysis Method on Roads Limbangan – Malangbong. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(2), 3031-3036.