Online Consumer Review and Its Roles in Malaysian Umrah Industry: Issues and Challenges
Online Consumer Review, Online Review, User-Generated Content, Umrah Industry, Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOMAbstract
The Umrah industry is one of Malaysia’s most profitable industries. Despite its vast market, some identified challenges may also limit the industry’s sales performance. It is therefore crucial to understand how Umrah’s online consumer review (OCR) would influence the Malaysian Umrah industry, particularly in terms of sales performance. The objective of the current study is to review the OCR in relation to the challenges of the Umrah industry and issues related to the sustainability of business performance. This study proposes that the Umrah industry incorporate OCR in its marketing strategy. The adoption of OCR in the Umrah industry will lead to better future sales performance, which will induce a positive contribution to Malaysian economic growth. This paper concludes with a few conclusions and recommendations.
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