Impact of Globalization of Firms: Descriptive Study on Performance on Network Ability


  • Amiya Bhaumik Lincoln University College Author
  • Kian Aun Law Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Author
  • Fang Jiemiao Lincoln University College Author
  • Valliappan Raju Limkokwing University Author



International Opportunities, Internationalized Performance, Born Global Firms


With the deepening of globalization, the world economy has gradually become a unified whole of organic links. It is no longer the patent of large multinational companies to conduct international operations and expand overseas markets. More and more small and medium-sized enterprises have also actively participated in the world economy and embarked on a unique international management road. From the traditional point of view, SMEs should operate overseas in a relatively slow and gradual manner, but a growing number of studies have shown that many SMEs have successfully internationalized since their inception or within a short period of time since their inception. The number of such companies has gradually increased since the 1990s, which has attracted the attention of many scholars and relevant government decision-making departments and called such companies global firms. 


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How to Cite

Bhaumik, A., Aun Law, K., Jiemiao, F., & Raju, V. (2020). Impact of Globalization of Firms: Descriptive Study on Performance on Network Ability. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(2), 2633-2640.