Teaching English as a second language using charts


  • S. Sasi Bhushan Lecturer in English Government Degree College (Men), Srikakulam-532001. Author




Visualaids, Charts, Second Language (L2), Creativity, Team


 In the modern days, there are various tools available to teach a Second Language (L2)

like English in a better way. One of the tools is visual aids. Visual aids include film, slide, or

model. One of the best visual aids that can be used in an L2 classroom is charts. Charts are

thick papers of big sizes available in different colors, which attract the attention of everyone.

This paper presents the study of charts being used in a classroom to make the learners learn

an English quickly and in an enjoyable manner. The participants are 60 first-year engineering

learners from an institution in Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. At the end of the

study, it is found that the students feel easy and glad to learn new things in English easily

with the chart-based method. 


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How to Cite

Sasi Bhushan, S. (2024). Teaching English as a second language using charts. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(1), 1114-1119. https://doi.org/10.61841/nrfrr036