Agronomic Responses on plant population and corn Maize (zea may L.) Hybrids


  • Jagtar Singh Dhiman Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo Author
  • Pratibha Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo Author



corn, Maize, Agronomic, Hybrids, plant population


The impacts of plant thickness on plant stature, ear tallness, tail distance across, dwelling, corn grain yield, test weight, and photograph artificially dynamic radiation (PAR) were considered in 2016 and 2017 under downpours that took care of conditions in focal Louisiana. The consequences of these examinations were utilized to decide the impacts of plant thickness levels on plant tallness, ear stature, tail width, dwelling, corn grain yield, test weight, and PAR. The two years saw better than expected precipitation and below-normal temperatures during the developing season. Plant populace development prompted an expansion in grain yields, which showed a cross-breed reaction in one of two years (fixed ear more noteworthy than semiflex ear). The decent ear half breed had lower test loads, and the impact of plant populations was conflicting, with expanded populations prompting more prominent test weight in both of two years. The decent ear cross breed brought about an expansion in housing in one of the two years it was utilized. For ear stature and seed weight, there was a cross-breed by-populace collaboration between the two populaces. Because of higher populations, corn yields might be affected by the hereditary inclination of corn cross breeds (regardless of their regenerative versatility) to endure different natural circumstances and stresses related to higher populations 


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How to Cite

Singh Dhiman, J., & Pratibha. (2021). Agronomic Responses on plant population and corn Maize (zea may L.) Hybrids. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(3), 1047-1055.