Heavy Metals in Ground Water Analysis of Hyderabad Industrial Area


  • V. Ramakrishna St. Martin’s Engineering College, Dhulapally (V), Kompally, Secunderabad, Telangana, India-500100 Author




Trace Analysis, Heavy metals, Ground water, Industrial


In current years, the brand new environmental trouble is bobbing up because of business danger wastage, worldwide weather change, floor water infection, etc., which offers an interest to guard the environment. One of the most important sources of infection of floor water is incorrect discharge of business effluents. Those effluents incorporate such a lot of heavy metals, which can have extra consequences for human life. The gift looks at approximately an infection of floor water because of hint metals in and across Hyderabad. 60 samples are amassed in the business region across Hyderabad. The look at region is divided into 5 zones based on the character of industries within the look at region. The following hint metals are analysed Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, and Zn had been analysed in all of the pattern. In a few floor water pattern are observed to be extra attention of metals that exceed most limits values of WHO and ISI standards. 


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How to Cite

Ramakrishna, V. (2021). Heavy Metals in Ground Water Analysis of Hyderabad Industrial Area. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(3), 826-832. https://doi.org/10.61841/vyfc1z46