
  • Gururaj B Professor (HR &Behavioral Science) & Head (Quality Systems and Accreditation), Ramaiah Institute of Management (MSRIM), MSRIT Post, Bangalore. 560 054 Author
  • D Souza L Professor & Head, Department of Psychology, Maharaja’s College, University of Mysore, Mysuru 570007. Author




Headache, Anxiety, tension, migraine, cluster & psychogenic


 This study is an attempt at assessing the levels of anxiety in headache patients. A total number of 105 patients (50 M + 55 F) have been purposively selected for the study. Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (1959) has been utilized to assess the anxiety in the sample. The results revealed that patients with cluster type were found to have lesser levels of anxiety and tension type had the highest anxiety. Female patients were found to have higher levels of anxiety compared to male patients. As the age increased, the anxiety level also has increased linearly. Patients with lower level of education had higher level of anxiety and vice-versa. Unmarried patients had significantly higher levels of anxiety. 


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How to Cite

B, G., & Souza L, D. (2021). A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ANXIETY AMONG HEADACHE PATIENTS: INFLUENCE OF SECONDARY VARIABLES. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(1), 57-68. https://doi.org/10.61841/q0b8q818