The Use of Harmonic Training in Developing Some Motor Capabilities and Offensive Skills in Handball

1Hardan Azeez Salman, Yaqub Youssuf Abdulzahra


This section includes the introduction and research problem, represented by the obvious weakness found in handball players when performing the of ensive skills. The researchers attributed this to the lack of harmony and sense of the ball among the players, resulting from the lack of concentration of many coaches on this aspect, which led researchers to address this problem in an attempt to resolve it through the use of harmonic training and knowing the extent of its ef ects on the development of some motor capabilities and of ensive skills in handball of the second stage students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. The objectives included identifying the ef ects of harmonic training in the development of some motor capabilities and skills and of ensive skills of the experimental and control groups for students of the second stage handball. As well as the hypotheses of research; there are statistically significant dif erences between the pre- and post-tests of the experimental and control groups in some of ensive handball skills and in favor of the post-test. The study sample consisted of 20 students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Al-Mustansiriyah University, where the researchers concluded: It was found that harmonic training have a significant ef ect in the development of some of ensive skills of handball in students of the second stage. The researchers recommended: the need to use harmonic training in the main part of the time of the educational module because of its positive and ef ective influence at the level of performance.


Harmonic Training, Development, Of ensive Skills, Motor Capabilities

Paper Details
IssueIssue 2