High-Resolution Human Eye Tracking and Related Issues

1Dr. Pradeep Kumar Panigrahi, Dr. Suprava Das, Dr Priyabrat Pattnaik


Eye tracking refers to the process of tracking the direction of the eye and determining where the eye is looking. Eye tracking is the method of measuring either the position of the gaze (where one looks) or the motion of the eye relative to the head. An eye tracker is a tool for tracking eye positions and eye movements used in visual system testing, psychology, psycholinguistics, marketing, as an input device for human-computer interaction, and in product design. There are a variety of techniques for tracking movement of the head. The most common version uses video clips from which the location of the eye is extracted. Certain techniques use search coils or are based on an electroculogram. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the various techniques used for eye surveillance. Various methods are used to calculate eye movements, including calculation of electrical and photoelectric signals, recording a variety of visual features in the image of the eye, measuring the relative infrared (IR) light reflection, and using either mechanical or optical levers or magnetic fields. The paper also addresses the factors involved in the selection of a particular method of eye-tracking. It also provides support for some of the implementations of the eye-tracking technique.


Eye tracking, Electrooculography (EOG), Video-occulography (VOG), Infrared Occulography (IROG), Scleral Search Coil, visual system tracking, eye tracker

Paper Details
IssueIssue 6