Socio-Cultural Directions Of Human Transformation in the Scientific Development of Uzbekistan

1Dildora A. Muratova


In the context of globalization, radical changes in science, education, technological development and cultural life have a significant impact on the transformation of human consciousness. And the process that we call globalization today is also a product of technogenic civilization. In this regard, the development of technological civilization has led to a growing need not only for traditional views on consciousness, but also for the study of the nonlinear paradigms of consciousness. Radical changes in the human mind as a result of the development of technogenic civilization have not only allowed man to dominate the human race, but also to make it technologically manipulated both in natural and social cultural life, before turning him into an active subject of policy of hegemony over various regions. Therefore, this system of changes in the human mind derives many other features of technogenic civilization, and it appears as a distinct genome that promotes the existence and progress of civilization. This article discusses the impact of ecology, the main problem of technogenic society, on the way of humanity.Research on the impact of various environmental problems in the technogenic community, including the ozone depletion, climate change, tropical forests, fires and floods, land, water, air pollution, tsunamis, chemical and bacterial war tests have been discussed. That is, the analysis of the impact of increasing environmental problems in the technogenic community on the human gene pool, the attitudes of members of society to the realities of society. The problems of the environment have been studied for each person's rational attitude to nature and the practical steps taken to preserve it.


technogenic, society, ecology, nature, crisis, human, factor, necessity, resources, technocratic system, environment, social, political, humanitarian, system, attitude, law, protection, world.

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IssueSpecial Issue 1