Evaluation of Clinical and Functional Disorders in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Diseases of the Lungs and Bronchial Asthma

1Muborak Salaeva, Nargiza Salimova, Nargiza Aripova, Naila Khudayberganova, Otabek Yangibaev


Aim: The aim of this investigation was to study the characteristics of functional disorders in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma from the severity of clinical course of the disease. Material and methods:118 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 114patients with bronchial asthma (ВА) were selected for clinical – functional examinations of in - patient department. Assessment of the functional of external respiration (FER) was carried out by the method of computer pneumotachometry on the apparatus «Pneumoscope» (Erich Jaeger, Germany).The discriminant equation was used for the diagnostics of tiredness of the diaphragm and respiratory muscles: DF = 17,3 х IVF 50 (l/s) where F is discriminant function. In F <65,1 f tiredness of the diagram was diagnosed (Yu. M. Perelman with coauth., 1998). Оr evaluation of oxigyn - transportic system of blood and the parameters of the acid - alkaline balance of weights: In patients with COPD and BA included in the study by using the Astrup micro method, oxygen tension (pO2 mmHg), carbon dioxide voltage (рСО2 mmHg), blood oxygen saturation (O2, %) were studied in arterialized blood.The stage of the autonomous nervous system was assessed by cardiointervalоgraphy (CIG) according to Baevsky (1976). Result:Analysis of the clinical course (SRF) showed that the severity of disease is noted not only increased in intensity of clinical manifestations of the disease, but also with an aggravation of degree of cardio-respiratory disorders. There is a high incidence of respiratory muscle fatigue syndrome, sharp degree of severity (96.3%), and infraction of heart rhythm (76.6%) hypoxemia of right part (36.2%) and presence of P-pulmonale (55.3%), varying degrees of hypoxemic (75.0%), including expressed and abrupt till 25% and with hypersymptonic reactions (62.5%), defining the breakdowns of adaptive mechanism. A heavy persistent of BA is characterized with clear intensive clinical symptoms, with significant violation of bronchial patency, with high frequency of syndrome fatigues of respiratory muscles (82.3%), with hypoxemic condition (59.2%), violations of excitability of heart muscles (46.3%), tensions of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms, manifesting of hypersympathicotony (50.0%) and hypersympathicotonic (57.7%) and asympathicotonic vegetative reactivity (19.2%).


Сhronic obstructive pulmonary disease, вronchial asthma, functional of external respiration, of respiratory muscle fatigue syndrome, еlectrocardiographic changes, chronic respiratory failure, vegetative nervous system.

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IssueSpecial Issue 1