The Integrated Thematic Teaching Development based on Strengthening Character Education (PPK) for Primary School Students

1Sri Sulistyorini, Zaenal Abidin, Sri Sami Asih


This study aims to formulate the characteristics of PPK-based integrated thematic teaching materials on an integrated thematic teaching material based on PPK which combine the thematic texts, colorful images and character scoring; thus, the messages being delivered seemed more real, interesting, loved by children and easily understood. This study was designed using the Research and Development model. The trials were carried out through quasi-experimental design-based experiments applying pre-test and post-test one group. The results showed that; (1) The integrated thematic teaching materials for Primary Schools which characterized by PPK with colorful and attractive image illustrations, and learning activities loaded with strengthening reading characters, curiosity, cooperation, discipline, self-confidence, honesty and caring for the environment; (2) integrated thematic teaching materials based on PPK are declared valid, the percentage of eligibility criteria for the first validator is 88% and the second validator is 90% (very feasible); (3) Integrated thematic teaching materials based on PPK have an influence on students’ cognitive learning outcomes. This is indicated in the t test 25.36> t table 2.13, there are significant differences, thus it is effective. The gain test was as much as 0.86 with high criteria. This is due to the learning process implementing the Strengthening of Character Education and Vygotsky's social learning theory where in the scaffolding and cooperative processes emphasized more on students cooperating with peer tutoring; and (4) the percentage of practicality of teaching materials according to students is classically 94% (very positive) and the percentage of teacher responses is 91% (very positive). This study concludes that teaching materials developed with PPK characteristics were found valid, practical and effective for improving students’ learning outcomes.


teaching materials, integrated thematic student book, PPK, Research and Development

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IssueIssue 4

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