Law Protection of Mobile Phone Fraud Victims

1Gomgom T.P Siregar


The development of technology and communication has a positive impact on society, especially in promoting growth in the economic field. However, advances in information and communication technology also have negative excesses, namely the occurrence of abuse by a group of people to be used as a means of committing crime fraud. Fraud by using electronic media that often occurs today is fraud by using a mobile phone with the mode and under the reason of a family member arrested or child caught in a drug case on behalf of a police officer. The rose of fraud in this mode was significantly necessary to conduct further and deeper analysis under the control of depth study as efforts to protect the victims of fraud. This research method was an empirical juridical research, which is looking at efforts to protect victims of fraud through electronic media conducted by law enforcement officials. The results showed that the modus operandi of fraud through electronic media was quite diverse. From the research finding showed that fraud through electronic media using mobile phones which used the cases of family member arrested or child caught in a drug case on behalf of a police officer, then the perpetrators ask for ransom from the family or parents. Protection against victims of fraud by using mobile phones with the mode of arrest of a family member or child ensnared by drug cases in the name of a police officer, is still very weak, due to the lack of prevention efforts and weak law enforcement.


Protection, Fraud Victim, Electronic Media.

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IssueIssue 4

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