Comparison between Flibanserin and Vardenafil in The Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction

1AbdallaKandil, AmanyNassar, RashaSayed Ahmed Mahmoud serag


Background:Sexual functioning is an integral part of human life and has been shown in researches to be important to both men and women. The aim was to compare efficacy of flibanserin and vardenafil on female sexual dysfunction. Methods:This comparative study was done at gynecology and obstetrics department and dermatology and Venereology department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals.patients were divided into:Group 1 includes 16 patients who were treated by vardenafil and group II includes 16 patients who were treated by fiibanserin. Results:there were no statistical significance differences between the two studied groups all scores pre ttt. But there was statistical significance increase in desire, orgasm and total score among Group II ( flibanserin) compared to Group I (vardenafil) post ttt. Regarding comparing pre and post scores in each group: In Group I there were highly statistical significance increase in index scores of lubrication and satisfaction (by 37.5% & 42.7% respectively) post ttt and statistical significance increase in orgasm and total score (25% & 23.36 % respectively) post ttt compared to pre. While in Group II there was highly statistical significance increase in desire, orgasm, satisfaction and total (by 33.3%,41.76% & 25.66 % respectively) post ttt and statistical significance decrease in arousal score (by 23.75%) post ttt compared to pre. Conclusion:Flibanserin is a controversial drug approved for a controversial disorder amid huge controversy. While it may serve as the lamp in the light in the long search for female sexual problems, it has still a long way to go. Women taking this drug must well be educated about the adverse events associated with this drug and the possible interactions. Flibanserin treated women reported improvements on most measures of sexual dysfunction during the study, and trend was observed on most study measures in favor of flibanserin and significant differences were noted to compare with vardenafil.


flibanserin -vardenafil -female sexual dysfunction.

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IssueIssue 10

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