The role of officials who make land deeds in the process of transferring the status of use rights to freehold land in a fair manner and with legal certainty

1Made Raka Kusuma AP


3Siti Hamidah

4Hanif Nur Widhiyanti

1Brawijaya University,
2Brawijaya University
3Brawijaya University
4Brawijaya University


Making Deed Documents regarding the transfer of land rights in Indonesia is the authority of the Land Deed Making Official as an extension of the government, in this case the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia. The authority referred to is the creation of documents, for example: Deed of Sale and Purchase, Inheritance, Deed of Sharing of Joint Rights, Deed of Granting Mortgage Rights, Power of Attorney to Encumber Mortgage Rights, Use Rights on Freehold Land, and other legal acts. In each preparation of land rights transfer documents, it is necessary to check the clarity of the status of land rights so that they are made clear, in accordance with land data and provide legal certainty in accordance with applicable legal provisions. Provisions regarding Use Rights are specifically regulated in Articles 41 to 43 of the Basic Agrarian Law. In the provisions of Article 6 of Government Regulation Number 103 of 2015, it is stipulated that foreign citizens can obtain a period of granting the status of use rights to land for 30 years. If this period has expired, this can be done by making an agreement to extend the use rights for 20 years. The research method used in this research is the normative legal method. The results of the research explain that problems often occur in the field by Land Deed Making Officials in carrying out their positions, namely that often the files received do not meet the elements of the agreement and the applicable legal provisions and the actual agreement made so that in the signing and issuance of the Right to Use Deed in It is indicated that freehold land registered with the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, Regency/City does not meet the sense of justice and legal certainty.


Land Titles Registrar, Transfer of Use, Rights Status, Freehold Land

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IssueIssue 3

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