The Reality of the Use of Differentiated Education in the Teaching of Arabic Grammar for Primary Fifth-grade Students from the Viewpoint of Male and Female Teachers

1Maryam Yassir Kadhum


The aim of the current research was: to get acquainted with the reality of the use of differentiated education in teaching Arabic grammar for fifth-grade primary students from the point of view of male and female teachers. To achieve the research goal, the researcher chose the descriptive approach. As for the research community, it consisted of (150) male and female teachers, the questionnaire was presented to the exploratory research sample, and their number was (30) male and female teachers (15) schools from the city center schools. To ensure the accuracy of the questionnaire items, it was presented to a group of experts and arbitrators. The questionnaire became in its final form consisting of (20) items after they were (21) ones. After excluding the survey sample, the research tool was applied to the basic application sample of (120) teachers. The researcher used statistical means, and in light of the research results, the researcher concluded a number of conclusions, including “The use of traditional Iron-Air teaching methods will continue in the hands of the effectiveness of the assembly and their impulse towards learning material and following its vocabulary. - The use of differentiated education is effective in the hands of obtaining evidence, because of its role in the effects of the grouping impulse towards more learning.” The researcher has also reached a number of recommendations, including “Enrolling participation of male and female teachers in training courses that help you in how to use the new curriculum and the methods and methods of training that are complementary, directing the teachers of the Arabic language and its teachers not to limit themselves to the traditional methods of teaching and the necessity of diversity in the marginal methods.” Regarding the recommendations, the research has reached many recommendations, including “Conducting a study similar to the current study of the rest of the Arabic language branches of expression, expression, and readers.”


Differentiated Education, Marginal Methods, Primary Teachers.

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IssueIssue 4

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