Mapping of Alue Ubay Irrigation Area Infrastructure in Paya Bakong Sub-districts Aceh Utara Regency

1*Muhammad, Eldina Fatimah, Ella Meilianda


The Alue Ubay Irrigation area which has an irrigation network system consists of a fixed bendung, a primary channels, secondary channels and a disposal channel. Alue Ubay Irrigation area most of the infrastructure is almost 30 years old, so the condition of the building has begun to break down in many places. Research is conducted only on the primary channel as well as building divide/tapping into the existing one in each space. The purpose of this research is to educate the conditions and functions of the irrigation network, especially on the primary. The method used in this research is to merge between the data on the infrastructure condition in the field with other supporting data. The data required in this research are primary data that by conducting surveys and observations, identifying the physical condition of the field and the impact of damages and with interviews involving elements of the relevant agencies, secondary data Obtained from the technical data of Alue Ubay irrigation area and information from related agencies. The result of the assessment obtained an information which was then mapped and input into a GIS-based geospatial map. The information produced is the total length of the primary channel 10,057 m, there are 8 (eight) channel sections ranging from the Intake to the BAU.8, the result is a section of BAU.1-BAU. 2 with a total length of 1,514 m, damaged along 1,509 m, most severely damaged, damage level reaches 99.66%, when referring to Permen PUPR Number 23/PRT/M/2015, the handling priorities on this section are at the rank of 1 (one). For other segments that have similar conditions and functions are the segments of the Intake-BAU.1, BAU.3-BAU.4 dan BAU.6-BAU.7. Condition and function of divide/tapping building consisting of 9 units of building divide/tapping with the number of doors divide 14 units, the door is tapping 19 units, average in good condition (damage rate of < 10%), and still works very well (function category > 90%).


ubay irrigation infrastructure, paya bakong, utara regency

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IssueSpecial Issue 2

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