FEMINIST CRITICISM: A contribution to the history of literature

1Abdulkareem Jwaid Moebid, Maysam Ibrahim hussein


Feminist literary criticism has brought in tools from other important disciplines, such as historical analysis, psychology, linguistics, sociological analysis, and economic analysis, for example. Feminist criticism may also look at an intersection, looking at how factors including race, gender, physical ability, and class are also involved. Many Arab feminists today repeat old sayings of Western feminists, and they are not satisfied with that, but rather neglect the role of Arab feminists and turn a blind eye to their cultural achievements that have had a great impact on Arab culture, and whether this is ignorance or deliberate, it is necessary to pay attention to modifying the path through Restoring consideration to Arab feminists and building on what they have achieved. The current study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach in dealing with the topic and among the most important findings: It is that the writer, through dealing with the issue of women in the light of feminism in Arab world, tried in fact to present her painful view of male society, inspecting her lost identity to correct the wrong beliefs about male or female sexuality, and finding a solution to the distraction and psychological disorder that she was suffering from within. The studies that dealt with criticism are many and from different angles, whether ancient or modern, and according to scientific methodologies, through which the student sees a phenomenon that is sought to be the focus of field of research. Literature needs study and criticism, and this is what occupied many critics and researchers and realized this deficiency, and this is not fanaticism, but because this literature has not been studied well, despite the abundance of production and diversity in the Arab world, and its advantage from the characteristics (intellectual and artistic), and the available aesthetic values of the blind that do not diminish its value nor diminish it among other literatures, and the general desire to produce a woman's literary rather than concern and pride reflects the two opposites of the man who was very popular in the Arab critical arena is what pushed us to carry out this research in this genre.


Feminist criticism, Arab feminist, Gynocriticism, history of Arab Literature, Analytical Approach,

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IssueIssue 4

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